Meter Readings & Replacement

Meter Readings

Meters are read around the 18th of each month. Meters are also read upon notification of a new owner or tenant, as necessary. Please provide the City with at least 48 hours’ notice so that a meter read can be scheduled.  Please do not remove or tamper with the Sensus Touchpad or Box that enables the automatic reading of your meter. Please notify the Water/Sewer Utility Department if you are remodeling or doing any work that may impair the meter reading device.

High Usage

Each month after meter readings, the City generates “high usage” letters to each customer that has experienced a very high reading or significantly higher than the last month’s reading. Sometimes, there is no cause for alarm such as having company and using more water. Other times, there may be a water leak or a leaky toilet resulting in higher than expected water usage.  If you have a burst pipe or broken water heater, for example, that results in high water usage, please contact the Utility right away so they can verify that the water did not go into the Sewer System. You may be eligible for a credit on the sewer portion of your bill.

Meter Replacement

The City upgrades meters as necessary to ensure accurate readings. Meters are also replaced when they are non-functioning or broken. The Utility will contact you should they need to replace your meter.