Report a Violation

Code Violations: Knowing the rules for being a good neighbor

The City of Columbia Falls Code Compliance Program, under the supervision of the Columbia Falls Police Department, works in partnership with the citizens of Columbia Falls to promote and maintain a safe and desirable living and working environment through awareness, education, problem solving and enforcement. Staff handles community and neighborhood code issues, including illegal dumping, snow-covered sidewalks, abandoned or inoperable vehicles, weed-abatement and various zoning violations.

Code enforcement exists not to punish individual property owners, but to maintain the greater good of our community by achieving compliance with adopted codes. The Code Compliance Program relies on residents in many ways; first to set an example by learning about, and adhering to, the city’s codes and second by contacting us when violations are seen.

We believe facilitating voluntary compliance with city laws and codes, problem solving, and developing public outreach programs are crucial to partnering with our community to build and maintain a safer Columbia Falls for all.

Have you observed a violation in Columbia Falls? Report it here so we can check into it.

Who? What? When? Where? The more details you can provide about the violation, the better it will help us investigate.